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The anthropologist invited the children from the African tribe to play one game.  He placed a basket of fruit near the tree and announced, addressing the children: "The one of you who reaches the tree first will be rewarded with all sweet fruits."  When he signaled to the children to start the race, they locked their hands tightly and ran together, and then they all sat together and enjoyed the delicious fruit.


  The astonished anthropologist asked the children why they all ran together, because each of them could enjoy the fruit for himself.  To which the children replied: "Obonato".  Is it possible for one to be happy if everyone else is sad?  "Obonato" in their language means: "I exist because we exist."


May our New Year 2024 be filled with Obonato

"Imagination is more important than knowledge.


Knowledge is limited. Imagination

encircles the world."


    Who said this? 

A Seasonal Game: Football Bible Trivia … play the

game but you only advance by answering a Bible

Trivia question correctly. Fun and Educational. 

                                  click: FOOTBALL BIBLE TRIVIA


Coronavirus - lesser known facts, survey results and more

Please visit: We are the World

whole world in his hands
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00
Christmas Trivia

The most important

ten verses of scripture

for these troubled times:

Matthew 25: 31-40

  See Jesus' Last Word below


New Year's activity

The beginning of a new year is a good time to assess our faith and where it is leading us. Then to take the big step - act and commit to change.

New Year's Hope
Christian sci-fi summer reading

Her journey began in 1968 when she took in the first of three Down's Syndrome infants. The second of the three just passed away, after being cared for over 51 years.


Jesus took the entire law, 18 thousand words of guidance, and reduced it to just 37 words:

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

Jesus clearly understood what the healing power of love was for a troubled world.

Christian youth leader sermon

Brian's Gift

Christian Hope

They say in the darkest of times unlikely heroes emerge. The call came. Brian, who was called back to work to bring the staff back on board, was himself deemed non-essential. Back on furlough he truly wanted to be at work to support his staff working without pay.

Read what Brian did at: Brian's Special Gift

International Bible Study Group

Imaculatte's assessment of Psalms 100 as well as thoughts from John of the USA. Click:

 International Bible Study Group

Disabled Youth

New Years video below

New Passage for Review: The Beatitudes... Matthew 5: 3-12 


Want to join and comment? Write to

We used this as a way of sensitizing our young people to the extraordinary spread of the gospel in the first century A.D.


First I asked this question. We get a phone call from a teenager that says she and a few friends want to start a youth group but they do not know where to start. They heard that we have a successful program in Deer Park and want to hear some of our ideas. How many youth members would be willing to call them? Some members would do so but most preferred a group response.


Click Walking like Jesus for more information

Halloween Activities for Christian Youth

Last year our youth received a surprise at the annual Halloween

party. They received, near the end of the night, a list of written,

outrageous rules posted in the front of their meeting place.

They were called the ...

500 Rules

Now there were not 500 rules given but  those given  were purposely quite unfair. For example one was - if caught talking to a friend, the guilty party must recite the Ten Commandments and add an eleventh, "Thou shalt not talk during youth group announcements." Another was: if you missed church services on Sunday morning, you could not come to youth group that evening. There were about six or seven in all, some particular to the room in which we met.


Please click: More Halloween Activities for more details about the 500 Rules activity , including  ideas like Scarecrow Relay

Do unto others ... 

 ... she asked how much she owed him for his help. Bryan smiled. He said: "If you really want to pay me back, the next time you see someone, who needs help, give that person the needed assistance. And think of me".


The beginning of a new year is a good time to assess our faith and where it is leading us. Then to take the big step - act and commit to change.

New Years Hope

Click  Act and Commit ... an exercise for adults and older youth

Lesson Five of "Revelation for Teens" entitled

"The Woman in Childbirth and the Dragon"

Nothing, to me, is more concerning than our children stating that they anticipate that the world may be on the brink of war.




We are the World



Peanut Butter and Jelly Gang

next meeting on March 20, 2024.


Sandwiches for the poor

Dessert and Discussion Night

Friday,April 5, 2024



Easter has just passed and the Hope of the Resurrection is clear. W



 Refreshments:  FREE

Christmas Hope Songs

See what people have to say.

Christian youth leader

Where we've been

Giraffe Parents Botswana

Thanksgiving Feature: Five Kernels of Corn



This activity is intended as a prelude to a Thanksgiving dinner for our youth group but it could also be done independent of the dinner.


In order to aid youth to understand the severity of life in the Pilgrim colony, before a Thanksgiving dinner with the youth, have them sit around a decorated table void of food. Then bring out a paper plate for each youth member with five kernels of corn on each. Note that these are not ears of corn but kernels of corn. Youth are then advised that when the Pilgrims arrived from England, life was not easy. Months before the first Thanksgiving feast there had been hardship. Most of their attempts to plant crops had failed. The only success was a New World crop, corn, which the local Native Americans had introduced them to. Nevertheless, only so much corn could be raised and stored and near the end of the winter they were running out.


Historical records indicate that there was a weeklong period in which food was rationed and the adults of the community, except for the pregnant women, had to live on a ration of five kernels of corn per day. It was the only food the community had as it awaited the early crops of the coming spring, which included wild berries, and the game that would return once the vegetation emerged.


Youth are asked to eat the five kernels as if that were their daily allotment of food. Briefly discuss what living like this would be like if this is all people had to eat each day. Then it is time for the prepared dinner. The youth should have a greater appreciation for all that we have in this country after this exercise.


Click if you would like more ideas like five kernals of corn ... Activities for Christian youth

We met with our young people  to present mission opportunities to them as they are quite interested

in assisting others. When I told them Jesus calls us

  to provide two different types of mission they were  puzzled. "Isn't mission when we do things to

 help the poor?" one student asked. "Of course

it is", I replied. Then we turned to the scriptures.


Read our mission activity for youth groups at: 

Three Missions


Agape Love


Take the Valentines Quiz


learn the difference between Agape, Eros and Philio Love

Click: Valentines Love Study

Love is Patient

Read the story of the Christmas carol:

Do You See What I See?

God Asks Us to Take Care of His Creation... read more at

Guardians of the World.

Share Beautiful Places

Austria Church of Hope
Whales in warm waters

Nothing like a chapel amidst the Alps in Austria

The anthropologist invited the

children from the African tribe to

play one game.  He placed a basket

of fruit near the tree and

announced, addressing the children:

"The one of you who reaches

the tree first will be rewarded

with all sweet fruits."  When he

signaled to the children to start

the race, they locked their hands

tightly and ran together, and then

they all sat together and enjoyed

the delicious fruit.


  The astonished anthropologist asked the children why they all ran together, because each of them could enjoy the fruit for himself.  To which the children replied: "Obonato".  Is it possible for one to be happy if everyone else is sad?  "Obonato" in their language means: "I exist because we exist."


May our New Year 2021 be filled with Obonato

Micah: I know ... well ... let me just start at the beginning I brought the sheep in, like I always do. It was, as you said, a cool night. Suddenly a breeze picked up. Not a strong one but it happened so suddenly. The sheep became more and more restless so I went outside. The sheep had begun to wander... all but four or five of them. It was so unusual as they are usually so good. Well, down the slope they went ..


Friend: The one in back of your home which we used to roll down?


Micah: Uh huh ... I followed them to the bottom of that slope and there it was.


Micah: The star ... the one everyone's been talking about.

Friend: Oh yes, when I stopped to pick up water this morning, the people at the well were talking about it.

Micah: It was really something ... at least twice as bright as anything I've ever seen.

Friend: Where was it?


Do you want your youth to pray comfortably?

Would you like them to pray with you?



Trust and Prayer Activity 


Ask youth to sit "Indian style" in a circle. Have some small candles available that can be held, one for each youth. Read the requests for change that have been recorded. Now advise youth that we will pray for these as follows...


Read the full activity at:

Trust and Prayer


















What he does is truly  both bizarre and "mysterious".


 John's vision of the dragon and the woman follows his  description of the Seven Seals (lesson three) and the Seven Trumpets (lesson four) in our  lesson on Revelation, which can be found at:

                     Click: Revelation Study


Revelation Lesson Six:

Two Beasts Emerge

Revelation lesson

There just seems to be no ending to the story. Seven seals and seven trumpets are revealed, placing the earth at great peril. Martyrs call out for God’s justice. God sends two holy witnesses to once again call people to Him. Then the dragon appears. His attempt to murder the chosen one (or ones) of God is thwarted. A war breaks out in heaven ...

Click Here

Believe in Hope


Making a Difference ... We met with our

20 -30 year olds after church yesterday

and learned something interesting. After

asking what they find most meaningful

about church, they unanimously agreed that it was the opportunities the church offered them to serve others and make a difference.


Read more at: 

Making a Difference

Black Lives Matter reached our hometown and I was impressed how peaceful it was and the number of young people involved. They care and are not the lethargic generation described just a short time ago. 

Protests for fairness

Read the story of a journey of faith

and determination and how it affected

a 14 year old boy.  

he began. “My wife and I live in Brooklyn and

we left our home at 8:00 o’clock looking for a church,

any church, who would be meeting to worship

this evening. We have traveled over 75 miles in our search.

Dare to Dream
Christians care

On May 15, 2020 a poll found that 31% of Americans, who believe in God, feel strongly that the virus is a sign of God telling humanity to change. Visit:

We are the World for more information

Read our discussion at:

Thanksgiving Feature:

Five Kernels of Corn



This activity is intended as a prelude to a Thanksgiving

dinner for our youth group but it could also be done

independent of the dinner.


In order to aid youth to understand the severity of life

in the Pilgrim colony, before a Thanksgiving dinner with

the youth, have them sit around a decorated table void

of food. Then bring out a paper plate for each youth

member with five kernels of corn on each. Note that

these are not ears of corn but kernels of corn. Youth are

then advised that when the Pilgrims arrived from

England, life was not easy....


For the full activity, please click:

Five Kernels of Corn



Thank you to all, who voted

Visit our Valentine's Activity :

Top Christian Love Songs

Here are your top five:

What the World Needs Now is Love

You Raise Me Up

He's Got the Whole World in Hid Haands

Oh Love that will not Let me go

They'll Know We are Christians by our Love

Whole world in his hands
An Earth of Hope
All Races together

In the midst of crisis ...

Children in need

If you are sitting under a waterfall,

that never runs dry, it

reminds you of ... God's never-ending love? 

Clean water is

something we need to protect? Or ...


To celebrate Valentine’s Day, let’s make a list of our top ten Christian Love Songs.

Below are my top five. Please share your top five and we will compile them all into a Top Ten List

Whole world in His hands

Number 5 …   He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

Number 4 …    I Love to Tell the Story

Number 3 …    Jesus Loves Me

Number 2 …    They’ll Know We are Christians by our Love

Number 1 …    What the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love

 Multiple ways to purchase ... reviews below

The Chest of Visions:

Secrets of Caperston

Christian youth vision

Reviews of both Chest of Visions Books

Purchase on  Secrets of Caperston

Purchase from Publisher: Secrets from Publisher

The Chest of Visions:

New Pathways 'Cross

Broken Highways

Christian youth vision

Reviews of both Chest of Visions Books

Purchase on  New Pathways

Purchase from Publisher: New Pathways from Publisher

Christian youth group activities

Not the Same Old, Done-it-Before Youth Meetings

Reviews of book: Detailed Review Page

Purchase on Not the Same ...

Purchase at our new Website store:

Our Store

Christian youth hope
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