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Thirteen Year Old Asks: Is World War 3 coming?

Debates in the USA and around the world are asking questions about the state of the planet, Conservationists are concerned about the environment, while others are concerned about immigration regulations. The ability of the general public to get weapons that go beyond recreational hunting and self defense is a concern. Nationalism is on the rise as a "Me first" philosophy seems to be taking hold.

Last week my 13 year old grandson asked me if World War 3 was abouut to start.

Nothing, to me, is more concerning than our children stating that they anticipate that the world may be on the brink of war.

"Me first" can lead to dysfunctional relationships on a personal and national scale. What are your thoughts?

Matthew 25:31-40 calls us to feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty. It also calls us

to extend one's home to a needy stranger and to provide clothing for those in need. Your answer for this 13 year old is most welcome.

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