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Dare to Dream with Us,
Deer Park, NY

Lessons for Youth Groups:
A Christian Youth Leaders Website
Forgiveness ... the Hope for the New Year 2025 ... The Chest of Visions Message
We live in a world where “revenge” is an ongoing concept. So books that emphasize
the value of forgiveness are most needed.
Do you believe the world will be a better place if forgiveness rather than revenge fills the soul
of our country? Proverbs 17:9 reads “Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it
separates close friends.” Close friends are not only people but nations. This does not mean
tolerating bad behavior but it calls us to forgive, when forgiveness will make a difference.
While the Chest of Visions Sci-fi Series talk about faith, hope, and love, the most important message is the value of forgiveness. By the time these stories are concluded, the powerful impact of forgiveness is unmistakable.
Thank you and may our New Year 2025 find a change in our world focused on forgiveness and the hope for everyone, which forgiveness can bring.

The below video describes a Christian sci-fi series that, while taking the reader to a parallel universe, is a teaching tool filled with lessons for youth groups. As one reads the stories, the drama calls for forgiveness, fairness and faith in a yet-to-be discovered Caring Creator. Give it a listen by clicking the arrow and the off music symbol on lower right.
A Christian Multiverse Drama

For Amazon Reviews and purchases, click:
The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston
The Chest of Visions: New Pathways 'Cross Broken Highways
The Underground Faith of God's Multiverse

Unique Inspirational Father's Day Gift:
The Gift of Vision for a More Caring World
Discovering Jesus in the Chest of Visions
Secrets of the future revealed
"The Chest of Visions is exciting, innovative and really creative ... combines a story, a message, a life and a lesson together."
Onlinebookclub ... March 6, 2019
The Chest of Visions is a "Brilliantly written piece of sci-fi... The characters blend in perfectly. The concept of duo-universe conversation adds to the excitement of the book. Onlinebookclub ... February 23, 2019
The book is a short read but it's contents are powerful and the message in the book is universal. Jake Santiago, April 9, 2019
“Mattpaul is an example of love, selflessness, and forgiveness, a great tool for youth leaders! Pastor Diane Dunne
“ a unique, uplifting, spiritual journey of faith as seen by two youths , a remarkable book” Laurie Reis
“A fascinating new take on an ancient tale … highly recommended, a new perspective on Christian ideas.” Frank T,
“I truly feel that this book can help a young person explore and discover their faith.” Sumac
“a creative approach for equipping Christian take the gospel message to their peers.” Richard Blake
“an exciting, spiritual read that delves into the tough questions about faith.” Liz F.
The bravery, honesty, love and humility of some characters in the book are worthy of emulation…” Onlinebookclub ... November 2018
The Chest of Visions “is a way to plant the seeds of Christianity. I definitely recommend this book to all grandparents, parents, teens and youth groups.” Sandra Stiles, Goodreads
“If read in its entirety, and considered prayerfully, "Chest of Visions" should be acknowledged as a significant step forward in Youth Group Study Guides.” Lee Ashford, Readers Favorite
For more Reviews and purchase, click:
The Chest of Visions ... new edition plus 53% reduction due to Self publishing
The Hope Page: "At times of a world divided as exists today, hope seems far away. It is good to take time to truly think how much better we would be if we all worked together. The below parable says it very well. "The rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow..."
Read more
Lessons for Youth Groups: The Rich Young Ruler: Christian youth lesson that asks the question how to react to the command of Jesus to give everything that you own to the poor, then follow we are ready to follow Him. More information>>
Brian's Gift

They say in the darkest of times unlikely heroes emerge. The call came. Brian, who was called back to work to bring the staff back on board, was himself deemed non-essential. Back on furlough he truly wanted to be at work to support his staff working without pay.
Read what Brian did at: Brian's Special Gift
because the message of the skit "When We Pray" is important 365 days every year not just on Easter!
This month's featured activity ... why continue Easter story?
I can't help reliving the end of our Good Friday Service ... we sang "Were you there ... when they crucified my Lord... were you there". The excitement of Easter was coming but we began our Easter Dawn service with a reminder that Good Friday was on the minds of the women who came to the tomb. Below is the skit from that service ...
Ranget: I see so many people out on the streets and it is mid afternoon. Is today a holiday?
Joshua: No, my friend, today is not a holiday. It is crucifixion day. Look... over that building at the top of the hill. See the three crosses...
Read the full skit at:
On the cross Jesus humbly calls out, "Father. forgive them for they do not know what they do.". A world leader today demands that a blameless person "knee down in front of me and beg for my forgiveness". Think about it.
What the world truly needs now is ...

and Love, Sweet Love
Can we, God's people, initiate it?
More Lessons for Youth Groups
Most positively rated activity on this website ...
Do you want your youth to pray comfortably?
Would you like them to pray with you?
Trust and Prayer Activity
Ask youth to sit "Indian style" in a circle. Have some small candles available that can be held, one for each youth. Read the requests for change that have been recorded. Now advise youth that we will pray for these as follows...
Read the full activity at:
Trust and Prayer
The Mysteries of Revelation ... Is it about the future? Is that future in the foreseeable future?
Lesson Four describes the
Frightening Events of the Seven
and follows the description of
the Seven Seals
at the top of the page. Both
lessons are found at:

Coming Soon - Lesson Five of "Revelation for Teens" entitled
"The Woman in Childbirth and the Dragon"
Youth Leader Guide
Unique Reference Guide offers lessons for youth groups several Easter skits as well as topics such as faith, justice and love. Read the reviews: Not the Same Old, Done-it Before Youth Meetings

Lessons for Youth Groups
Start your night off with:
The Three Pens Game ... it's fun and it teaches an important lesson
Ideas including The Three Pens Game, The Time Machine and ...
There are over 25 activities for Christian youth on our activities page including favorites like Trust and Prayer. Find all activities at Activities for Youth
Christian Icebreaker Activity:
Ha Ha
Youth stand in a circle. One youth is designated to begin. He or she turns to the next youth and states "ha" while staring into their eyes. There are no restrictions. Ha can be stated loudly, softly, drawn out, sung, anyway the speaker feels he can induce
laughter in the listener.
Tired of Social Media Negativity? Come Visit the page where we talk about HOPE ... Click https://www.facebook.com/Lessons-for-Christian-Youth-Group-Ministry-145428816122809/ on the website lessonsforchristianyouth.com

More free activity ideas
Click ...
The most important ten verses of scripture
for these troubled times:
Matthew 25: 31-40

New Review from Onlinebook club received October 2018
The Chest of Visions by Tim Ferguson is an amazing book .This book consists of an exchange of conversation between Mattpaul and people on the earth. Mattpaul is from another planet and has no idea about God or the Bible.
The thing that I liked the most about this book was
that the lessons which the author wants us to learn
are very important… The author wants us to realize
that nothing happens randomly.
I rate this book 4 out of 4 stars. The reason for this
rating is that the impact that this book leaves upon
you is not a usual one. It makes you think differently
about how you have been perceiving things.
To read the entire review click: New Year New Ideas

Making a Difference ... We met with our
20 -30 year olds after church yesterday
and learned something interesting. After
asking what they find most meaningful
about church, they unanimously agreed that it was the opportunities the church offered them to serve others and make a difference.
Read more at: Making a Difference
Not the Same Old Done-it-before Youth Meetings is a God-send!! You have laid out in an organized and easy-to-read fashion so many wonderful ideas and activity plans that we will never again feel uncomfortable when getting ready for our next Christian Youth Group meeting. I am new to the role of Youth Group leader and your book gives me confidence that we can indeed succeed with God's help.
Setting the Pace for Christian Youth
Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meetings
Recent Review received on Amazon.com:
Excellent Ideas 5.0 out of 5 stars
January 7, 2018 Review on Amazon.com
“Excellent and unique ideas
I would recommend this to any Christian youth group.”
Three Missions for Youth
We met with our young people to present mission opportunities to them as they are quite interested
in assisting others. When I told them Jesus calls us
to provide two different types of mission they were puzzled. "Isn't mission when we do things to
help the poor?" one student asked. "Of course
it is", I replied. Then we turned to the scriptures.
Read our mission activity for youth groups at:

Ask each youth member to pick a favorite character that they think will win.
Place each character on the first construction paper in the row of six or seven pieces.
Place names of characters in a hat and pull them out one at a time. Move the character forward when its name is called. Do not return the name to the hat.... Read further instructions at: The Great Race
The Lesson:
After the event read Paul's advice about "The Race" found in Hebrews 12:1-2. Discuss the important race that is set before us, that we run with patience with our eyes fixed on Jesus. Ask youth if they were as enthusiastic about this race to follow Jesus' lead as they were rooting for their favorites earlier, what growth they would find in their walk with God.
The Great Race

UPCOMING … March 2024
Peanut Butter and Jelly Gang
Make 500 sandwiches for the homeless
Wednesday, March 20th at 6:30 PM
Both events at: Community Presbyterian Church
Deer Park, NY 631-242-2582
Community Dessert and Discussion Night
Friday, April 5th at 7:00 PM

Heading 1

Website Services
More Activity ideas for Youth
Thirty Four color drawings covering thirteen events including: the martyrdom, the prison break, the trial and the ultimate appearance of Mattpaul.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited. Imagination
encircles the world."