Several youth are on the way to your church anticipating an evening with friends. They seek direction from their youth leaders , which will engage them in activities that bring them together. Whether five, fifteen or fifty are in the group, "Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meeting" has ideas for you.
From the simulated court dramas of "The Jury Speaks" to the interactive "Trust Exercises" youth will find fun, faith and friends. The "Olympics" describes seven weeks of events, which equally challenge athletic and intellectual skills. "Flashlight Sing" will get the most introverted youth singing while "Walking on Water" brings them into the presence of Jesus, himself.
The structure and indexes of the book make it easy to find just the right activity for your youth group meeting. The book gives youth leaders the tools to creatively plan events, which meet each group's unique needs while having fun, making new friends and enhancing the faith of all participants.
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Discover InspiringLessons For Youth Groups with Lessons for Youth Groups
Dare to Dream with Us,
Deer Park, NY
Lessons for Youth Groups:
A Christian Youth Leaders Website
Offering Unique Lessons for Youth Groups using Christian Sci-fi to Teach
The below video describes a Christian sci-fi series that, while taking the reader to a parallel universe, is a teaching tool filled with lessons for youth groups. As one reads the stories, the drama calls for forgiveness, fairness and faith in a yet-to-be discovered Caring Creator. Give it a listen by clicking the arrow and the off music symbol on lower right.
A Christian Multiverse Drama
For Amazon Reviews and purchases, click:
The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston
The Chest of Visions: New Pathways 'Cross Broken Highways
The Underground Faith of God's Multiverse
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